Research Resources for Music Therapists
2024 Monthly Research Highlights
January: Philosophical Articles
Jing-ze, L., & Hui-bin, J. (2022). Philosophical reflections on music therapy research in China. ClinicalMedicine Research, 11(6), 183-187. Doi: 10.11648/j.cmr.20221106.16
Stige, B. (1998). Perspectives on meaning in music therapy. British Journal of Music Therapy, 12(1), 20-27.
February: Approaches Outside of MT
Burnaford, G., Brown, S., Doherty, J., & McLaughlin, H.J. (2007). Arts integration frameworks, research, & practice: A literature review. Retrieved from
Stark, C., Tapia-Fuselier Jr, J. L., & Bunch, K. (2022). The Trauma-Informed Ethical Decision-Making Model: An Integrative Framework. Journal of Trauma Studies in Education, 1(1), 86-103.
March: Research Designs
Schoonenboom, J. & Johnson, R. B. (2017). How to construct a mixed methods research design. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 69(Suppl 2), 107-131. doi: 10.1007/s11577-017-0454-1.
Tricco, A. C., Lillie, E., Zarin, W., O’Brien, K. K., Colquhoun, H., Levac, D., … & Straus, S. E. (2018). PRISMA extension for scoping reviews (PRISMA-ScR): Checklist and explanation. Annals of Internal Medicine, 169(7), 467-473.
April: Case Studies
Aalbers, S., Spreen, M., Pattiselanno, K., Verboon, P., Vink, A., & van Hooren, S. (2020). Efficacy of emotion-regulating improvisational music therapy to reduce depressive symptoms in young adult students: A multiple-case study design. Arts in Psychotherapy, 71, Article 101720.
Mercadillo, R. E., & Garza-Villarreal, E. A. (2023). Case Report: “I got my brain back” A patient’s experience with music-induced analgesia for chronic pain. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1141829.
May: Pilot/Feasibility Studies
Braun Janzen, T., Al Shirawi, M. I., Rotzinger, S., Kennedy, S. H., & Bartel, L. (2019). A pilot study investigating the effect of music-based intervention on depression and anhedonia. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 1038.
Giannouli, E., Morat, T., & Zijlstra, W. (2020). A novel square-stepping exercise program for older adults (StepIt): rationale and implications for falls prevention. Frontiers in Medicine, 6, 318.
June: Retrospective Studies
Bradt, J., Biondo, J., & Vaudreuil, R. (2019). Songs created by military service members in music therapy: A retrospective analysis. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 62, 19-27.
Thompson, N., Iyemere, K., Underwood, B. R., & Odell-Miller, H. (2023). Investigating the impact of music therapy on two in-patient psychiatric wards for people living with dementia: retrospective observational study. BJPsych Open, 9(2), e42.
July: Research Resources
In the linked document, there are several resources for conducting and locating research.
August: Scoping Reviews
Golden, T. L., Springs, S., Kimmel, H. J., Gupta, S., Tiedemann, A., Sandu, C. C., & Magsamen, S. (2021). The use of music in the treatment and management of serious mental illness: A global scoping review of the literature. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 649840.
Hernandez-Ruiz, E., Qi, R., Welsh, E., Wampler, M., & Bradshaw, L. (2022). Psychological and neural differences of music processing in autistic individuals: a scoping review. Journal of Music Therapy, 59(1), 87-124.
Mak, S., & Thomas, A. (2022). Steps for conducting a scoping review. Journal of Graduate Medical Education, 14(5)m 565-567. doi: 10.4300/JGME-D-22-00621.1. PMID: 36274762; PMCID: PMC9580325.
September: Systematic Reviews
Kamioka, H., Tsutani, K., Yamada, M., Park, H., Okuizumi, H., Tsuruoka, K., … & Mutoh, Y. (2014). Effectiveness of music therapy: a summary of systematic reviews based on randomized controlled trials of music interventions. Patient Preference and Adherence, 727-754.
Khan, K. S., Kunz, R., Kleijnen, J., & Antes, G. (2003). Five steps to conducting a systematic review. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 96(3), 118-121.
Mayer-Benarous, H., Benarous, X., Vonthron, F., & Cohen, D. (2021). Music therapy for children with autistic spectrum disorder and/or other neurodevelopmental disorders: A systematic review. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12, 643234.
Meet the GLR -AMTA Research Committee Representatives

Meet Lisa Gallagher
Lisa Gallagher, PhD, MT-BC received her Bachelors of Music in Music Therapy from Ohio University, her Masters of the Arts in Counseling and Human Development from Walsh University, and her PhD in Health Psychology from Northcentral University. She is a music therapist at Cleveland Clinic, she is the Research Program Manager there for the Arts & Medicine Department, and she has a secondary appointment with the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation program. She is a clinical music therapist, researcher, and author; and she is a frequent presenter at the local, national, and international level. She also is Adjunct Faculty at Alverno College, Baldwin Wallace University, and Ohio University; as well as spending one semester teaching at Augsburg University. Lisa has written several book chapters; has been a Guest Editor for Progress in Palliative Care; and has published her research in several peer-reviewed journals. Lisa is the GLR Research Committee Co-Chair, Treasurer of the Breast Cancer Fund of Ohio Board of Directors, a former Chair of the Certification Board for Music Therapists (CBMT) Board of Directors, and a Past President of the Great Lakes Region of the American Music Therapist Association (GLR of AMTA). She is the recipient of the Ohio University Achievement in Music Award, the Association of Ohio Music Therapists Past President’s Club Award, the GLR of AMTA Scholarly Activity Award, and the Blair L. Sadler International Healing Arts Award.

Meet Jennifer Fiore
Jennifer Fiore Ph.D., MT-BC, NMT is an Associate Professor of Music Therapy at Western Michigan University. She earned her bachelor’s, master’s, and doctorate from the University of Kansas. She teaches at both the undergraduate and graduate levels and has chaired undergraduate honors thesis committees and served on and chaired graduate thesis and capstone committees. Jennifer has over 11 years of clinical experience within hospice working with both pediatric and adult hospice and palliative care patients, bereavement camps, oncology, pediatric medical, and older adults. She has extensive experience supervising music therapy students’ clinical work at the undergraduate, internship, and graduate levels. Jennifer is a consistent presenter at the local, regional, and national levels. She is currently the GLR co-representative to the AMTA Research Committee and previously chaired the AMTA’s Standards of Clinical Practice Committee. Her research interests include hospice and palliative care, oncology, and stress and coping, and she has published in the Journal of Music Therapy, Music Therapy Perspectives, Arts in Psychotherapy, and OMEGA-Journal of Death and Dying. She has also served as a reviewer for The Journal of Music Therapy, The Arts in Psychotherapy, Musicae Scientiae, and OMEGA: Journal of Death and Dying.