Light blue square with black and white GLR Logo and an image of megaphone. Text includes Nominations and Elections Commission Call for Service and Applications for Service Due July 19th.

GLR Begins 2024 Election Process

In preparations for the GLR Election later this Fall, the GLR is excited to begin the 2024 election process with a call for service for our newly established Nominations and Elections Commission. The Commission will be made up of the following GLR community members who will serve through the remainder of 2024 and through 2025 (They will oversee the Assembly of Delegates election in 2025):

  • GLR Past President (Commission Chair)
  • A DEI Representative – a GLR Community member actively engaged in learning, growing and applying DEIAJ knowledge within the field and/or our community.
  • 3 Members at Large from the following demographics:
    • Student
    • New Professional (1st cycle of MT-BC)
    • Established Professional (2nd cycle of MT-BC and beyond)

Note: Voting members of the GLR Exec Committee, other than the Past President, are not eligible for this Commission due conflict of interest.

The following is a brief job description for Commision members. Please note that a typical timeline for the Elections process is used in this description. We will amend the schedule as needed since we are beginning this process later in the calendar year.

  • Develop/Update Elections Call for Service
    • Establish Election timelines
    • Confirm Job Descriptions are up to date
  • Develop/Edit Google Forms
    • General Interest
    • Specific Candidate Ballot Questions
  • Facilitate Town Hall discussion at conference regarding elections
    • Record and share with community
  • Open Slate at GLR Conference and share with community
    • Introduce google form
  • Receive Google Form responses
    • Confirm anonymity of candidates in responses
    • Ask candidate to edit as needed to remove any identifying information
  • Recruit additional candidates as needed to create a slate with 2 candidates for each office
  • Determine in advance when the slate will close.
    • Provide notice to voting membership prior to closing slate
  • Share anonymized candidate information, via all GLR Communications channels, gathered from all candidates on the slate with the GLR community for their consideration 4 weeks prior to the election.
  • Facilitate electronic voting during the Fall of the year
  • Report Election results to GLR Community within 5 days
  • Report Assembly Election Results to AMTA within one week of election.
  • Develop/publish call service for Commission’s next term.

Any GLR Community members interested in being considered to be a part of this Commission are encouraged to fill out our Google Interest Form by July 19th. Responses will be vetted and reviewed by members of the GLR Executive Committee, including: the GLR Past President, 1 – student representative, 1 – DEI Committee Representative and 2 – AMTA GLR Standing Committee Representatives. This small group will make recommendations for GLR Executive Committee approval. Please note: AMTA Membership is not required to serve on the GLR Nominations and Elections Commission. Please direct any questions to the GLR Past President: